JinHai(TJ)international trade Co.Ltd has established for more than ten years. We are one of the leading co***ny to export the dinnerware, tableware as well as Pet toys to all around the world. We have several factories all around the China, the quotation always should be the most competitive and reasonable for your purchasing. Our main marketing is North American and Europe nowadays. To developing more and more the business relations, we would like to eastablish the business line with any client,depend on equality and mutual benefit for both of us.
Our main product is cutlery for set packing, including 16 pc set, 20 pc set, 24 pc set, 44 pc set, 45 pc set,46 pc set, 66 pc set, as well as open stock. etc. for stainless steel and plastic hand. For ceramic including 16 pc set, 20 pc set embossed, glazed, etc.
Please kindly feel free to contact us if there are any possibility to provide our best competitive price for any enquiry.
Thanks for your kindly attention. Best regards